Monday, March 19, 2012

Justin Bieber Break Dancer

Ok, if that title didn’t get your attention, I’m not sure what will. Yes, it’s true. Bieber Fever has found it’s way to South Africa.

Friday was the annual fundraising bazaar at Lynedoch and all of the LSCE students spent the day helping set up and prepare for the flood of family members that would soon pack the community hall at the end of the workday. We carted boxes of produce from the classrooms and spent the morning weighing and packaging bags of fruit and veggies to sell. (Dare I say they were some of the freshest grapes I’ve ever had?) By the time we were called back to lecture, I was wearing the fresh perfume of onions and fertilizer. Mmmmm.

Other stations were loaded with homemade mulva puddings and other (slightly unidentifiable?) desserts that were just as delicious! I loved seeing our students outside of the classroom setting and they enjoyed showing off their non-uniform outfits for us to admire (especially their multicolored shoe laces!). One of my 7th grade girls, Judene, shyly asked if I would like to meet her mother and using a little broken English and lots of big smiles, she introduced me to the rest of her family. The younger kids stared up wide eyed until one of the little boys broke the ice by roaring loudly and flexing his muscles, imitating a mini WWE wrestler, which put all into hysterics (needless to say, it was his go-to move for the remainder of the evening…).

Warning: this is what happens when the students steal your camera for a photo shoot...

I also learned that the saying “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” is very true. At one point I turned around and saw one of the mothers surrounded by a circle of students performing break dance moves to a Justin Bieber song blasting from the speakers. Turns out she just happened to be the mother of the most energetic and outspoken 7th grade boys in our class. What a surprise. She soon got the party started and the hall was soon full of cake-covered, candy-carting kids who were busting out Michael Jackson dance moves –yes, including the moonwalk. After a long week, it was the perfect mood to celebrate the vibrant Lynedoch community. 

Hey there Corie :)

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